- cats
- nature
- medical places
- being touched
- yelling
⚠️tw: mentions of abuse, poor medical experiences, eye injury, wilderness camps
finnegan is insanely tramatised, he has a shitty home life where his dad left and his mom sent him to a wilderness camp like a few years later where he met alek and they became really close until theres an accidnet where alek got beaten up by the counselers and ended up to act like a diff person so they kinda split before they left the camp and when finnegan came back he got kicked out and got landed in a shelter,during which eh sort of got his life on track for a short while living there and being in and out of mental hospitals
he later dated eleanor but the relationship was fairly toxic and abusive but finnegan didnt want to leave bacuse then he'd be abandoned. during this time alek finally got in contact with finnegan and when alek learned about what was going on in finnegans lie he sort of pressured finnegan into breaking up because he didnt want him to get hurt and eventaully finnegan caved in and forced himself to break up with eleanor and it did NOT end well. eleanor had stabbed finnegans eye along with different injuries and he was in a coma for a month because of it
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